Mindfulness for Beginners

Mindfulness is the practice of recognizing what’s going on internally and externally. It is being present with yourself. How are you feeling physically and emotionally? What are the elements contributing to you feeling that way? What are your needs?

What are some ways to practice mindfulness?

  • Having a mental check-in with yourself. Take a moment to notice how you are feeling. Is anything stressing you out? Are you holding that stress in your body?

  • Focusing on the present. Maybe you are driving to work. A mindfulness practice would be to focus on what you are doing and what you can control. In this instance, focusing on getting to work safely and not on the meeting you have at 3:00.

  • Breathwork can be another mindfulness activity. Somatic practices can help build the connection between your brain and body. When you do intentional breathwork exercises, you are taking the time to tune in to our body.

  • Progressive muscle relaxation is another somatic exercise. This practice can help call attention to where you hold stress in your body.

  • Journaling is an easy way to practice mindfulness. Some people prefer using prompts while others prefer free writing about what is on their mind.

  • Being kind to yourself. You are often your own worst critic. It is said that you don’t have control over your first thought, but can control the next. Mindfulness can be taking a moment to decide what your next thought is.


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