Eating Disorder Recovery Group

The Eating Disorder Recovery Group will be led by Rosie Nebel, LMFT (Temp). Rosie has a background in treating eating disorders and leading both support and skills groups. She is passionate about bringing people together in group therapy because she believes we recover best in connection with others.

In this group setting, Rosie will offer the space to share and process recovery challenges and wins. Additionally, Rosie will use evidence-based interventions to help group members:

  • Explore the various influences on their relationships with eating, exercise, and body image

  • Build skills to support reducing and coping with eating disorder thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

  • Gain tools to live a more authentic life by evaluating relationships and goals, reconnecting with their bodies, and finding purpose outside of the eating disorder


  • Mondays 6:00-7:30pm

  • $75 per group session

  • Stay tuned for the next iteration of the ED recovery skills group!

Feel free to reach out to us to learn more.