Men’s Body Image Group

The Men’s Body Image Group will be led by Rosie Nebel, LMFT. Rosie has a background in treating body image and eating disorders and has experience leading both support and skills groups. She is passionate about bringing people together in group therapy because she believes we recover best in connection with others.

This group is a safe space for men who struggle with negative thoughts and feelings about their bodies. Rosie will offer practical tools for: 

- Behavior change to promote body neutrality and positivity

- Identifying values and goals outside of physical appearance

- Building community with like-minded peers

Each group session will also include time for processing and discussion topics.


  • Mondays 9/23- 10/28 from 6:00-7:30pm

  • $75 per group session

  • Meets in person at Marigold Counseling

Feel free to reach out to learn more.